We welcome all the children from Our Lady of the Wayside N.S. as well as from St Cillian's N.S. in our Parish. We are happy to announce that the Enrolment for First Communions and Confirmations is now finished. We begin the Sacramental Preparation Year with the opening Mass this Sunday, 22nd of October, at 11 a.m.
Along with the School Preparation meetings with fr Dominik (twice a month on Fridays) the children will meet in the parish once every month for the evening preparation meeting starting this November (led by Sacramental Team: fr Dominik, Kay & Helen).
Finally, the date for First Communion is 12th of May 2024, and for Confirmation is 28th of April 2024.
Any queries, contact Anne Boyle in the parish office, or fr Dominik Domagala at dom@oblates.ie.
